Most if not all of us are familiar with the saying "the people in your life are seasons." I wasnt until a few months ago. Upon hearing the saying i had revelation of sorts, that this saying fit me to a tee. When i was all entirely about girls, my sophomore and junior school years. I talked to a certain friend every night about the days advances and which girl we were planning to ask out that weekend, how the girls in our classes ranked physically, dream girls, drawing up schemes to get ourselves closer to those we desired, and the pros and cons of each girl. The summer after junior year followed this, "summer 07" i label it the start of the drug years. the times when i was smoking a few times a day everyday i talked to and spent nearly all my time with a different friend, our schemes were now about different strand and traits and acquiring knowledge and information on our newly discovered topic, The knowledge i obtained on this topic flourished over the next 2 years and sticks with me to this day. Though the role of my partner in crime changed with the start of senior year, the knowledge i soon found my classmates shared filled the role effortlessly. Now im where i am currently and low and behold in a period of social musical & cinematic critiquing & politicking a new predominant friend has emerged. This statement has put me at peace with a lot of the relationships that have gone sour for whatever reason. I justify to myself that i was a difference person when we were closer and take the most important elements of the relationship, the moral of the story, the best day of the season and keep it with me as i enter the next. It has not made me sad every time i think recall them or see a picture of the other person. rather I simply recall the laughs we've shared applaud their successes wish them the best & hope we can have drink and a few laughs and reminisce about the past in the future. Im reminded that all good things come to an end and knowing this i do not find it difficult to say goodbye.
dont be afraid to say goodbye...
dont be afraid to say goodbye...
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