Monday, June 15, 2009

Some believe its not the best policy

Recently i wrote in a few honesty boxes. I checked my box, and one the app home page a list of people asked the question "what do you think of me." the ones i knew well enough or had an opinion of i replied. A particular individual had harsh words to my answer. I told her that of what ive seen of her and her actions i believe she's crazy and the way she acts and carriers herself specifically about and around her boyfriend is unbecoming and unladylike. She replied that i was a coward for not saying this to her face, that i was a stalker and i was jealous. i dont like to chew people out but this is bigger than a simple statement and reply in my eyes. people forget that a question is an ideal 50/50 chance, yes or no questions specifically, because the answer can only be yes or no, the chance changes with the situation of course. people ask questions and are offended when they dont receive the answer they desire. The other day i made a sandwich, my sister asked me for half, i replied 'no'. she then replied 'your mean'. Im not mean, i put a decent amount of effort into making the sandwich, and i wanted to enjoy the fruits of my labor, she didnt ask for a bite, which i may have replied differently to, she asked for half, 50%, this isnt a hollywood divorce, you dont get half of what i own when you come to the table with nothing.
Now with questions explained, posting "what do you think of me" in which several hundred people can answer anonymously, it is foolish and irresponsible to believe your going receive several hundred answers your going to like. This girl was upset i didnt respond "girllllllll!!! i love u, your so hotttt <3" as one one of her girlfriends would. [Excuse my french] but fuck you and fuck that. pardon me for taking a question of that caliber seriously, and answering appropriately. that question is very general, there is a lot of room for error, error meaning traits people dislike about you. if she didnt want to hear the dislikes and be showered in compliments she shouldve asked "what do you like about me" then id be an asshole if i responded in the same manner. If i posted that question which i have, im prepared for both sides of the spectrum. thats a question you ask when you want to better yourself, the fact that its anonymous is good. it shows that out of those several hundred people you know or want people to believe you know some perceive you one way some another. Ive received answers i didnt like, i thank them for their honesty, tell them i appreciate it and that im working to become a better person. name calling isnt necessary, honesty & humility are.

you'll never learn anything from those who agree with you

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