There comes a time in everyone's life where you have to grow up. My time has come. I have big plans this summer, plans that are going to cost money. Therefore I'm going to need a well paying job currently and in the future. The majority of well paying jobs test potential employees for substances. I came to recognize that I had a choice, continue smoking, attempt to beat the test, or quit smoking. Ive overcome tests before and its definitely possible to do so, but then i realized I'm not a feign, I'm not an addict, to continue to smoke while obsessively thinking of ways to beat the system would prove otherwise. I recalled the saying "dont be sad that its over, be happy it happened" I am more than familiar to smoking, I learned alot from it. I enjoyed the most how it deepened my thought processes and took the limits off of my mind. I have to remember that i dont need to smoke to accomplish this, that it simply acted as a catalyst in showing me thoughts i possessed all along.
I am in the eyes of the law an adult; and am required to act as such. Im required to have reached a certain level of success whether on paper or spiritually in each new season of my life. I realize that the two areas aid each other, meaning I will not truly be happy unless i reach that success in both areas. Quitting smoking is simply a way to help me be more successful on paper. Upon further thinking part of me believes that I'm over it, that that season of my life is over and a new more mature season is commencing. I began to look at my surroundings not location but my surrounding demographic, specifically the people my age i admire. I realized that all of them do not smoke or would only smoke on the rarest of occassions. I cannot help but deam this common denominator as a secret to success. I look at my friends who are a little older than i am, they go out and work their asses off and are successful yet they still have as much fun as i do simply through other avenues. We all believe we are in some way unique but we cannot escape the tendencies of our age group. I'm in an age group who's primary objective is to make successful moves bringing them closer to accomplishing their carreer goals, and i must act accordingly. I'll land a well paying job and save ALOT of money and break a habit i could have been forming a subconcious tendency for.
Yes this is my future, and it is hazelessly clear.
Kick a habit...
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