Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The 19yr Old New Born Explained

You may have noticed that the about me section simply says "the 19yr old newborn" This is a term i created that describes myself to a tee. In the introduction i mentioned that i was raised in impoverished and affluent neighborhoods, have friends from each background etc. The term refers to the following metaphor: Picture the letter "T." Capitalized and laying flat on its back. The horizontal section refers to my personal spectrum. one side being the extreme characteristics attitude and life view of one from an impoverished neighborhood, the other side being the characteristics attitude and life view of one from an affluent neighborhood. The first 10 years of my life i was the extreme of the impoverished side. I didn't care about image, I wanted what all my friends had, new J's and toys, things like that. When i was 10 i started going to CHA. This COMPLETELY flipped me to the other extreme. I mean i walked into CHA my first day and honestly was convinced all the kids were identical. i wasnt familiar with Caucasians in this first person form. my family was fortunate enough to move to a better neighborhood. I spent the next 7 years of my life on the other affluent extreme. concerned with nothing other than shore houses, sports cars and country clubs. Each spectrum made me judge people based on the color of their skin or their socioeconomic background. Even the music i listened to. It was either completely ignorant or just not me. I turned 18 and felt a certain freedom, i got my tatoo symbolizing my freedom and independence. but i still wasnt living what I was claiming I lived by. It took roughly another year, a year full of mistakes i like to label as experiences..all of which ive learned from. thats something im proud of, every mistake ive made has taught me a valuable lesson that will always stick with me. it has also given me a huge respect for...well..the rules; because believe me i broke several. Ive surrounded myself with people i admire who have good morals and great work ethics, real motivating folk, people who bring out the best in me. Alot was lost in the year, long time friendships & alliances, and ive had to tighten my circle greatly but i dont mind, i remember the jokes we made, the hours, blunts and days we burned away and i smile for the good times. A few months ago i turned 19. [Recall the Capitalized T] I believe my life's experiences have moved me to the exact center of the horizantal section. I view the vertical section as moving foreward as who i really am. And right now in this moment i am at the begining of the vertical section, moving foreward, seeing life, the world and people for what they really are. These views are non-biased and new to me: like a new born child. Everything is new to me because ive never had this perspective before. every conversation, debate and experience I have completely fascinates me because it shows how the true me reacts. I know the career i wish to endeavor, and i cannot picture myself doing anything else. I have to remember that life is beautiful (im preaching to myself now, pardon me) and to stay in the center of my T. No! I have to remember that I am not able to leave the center of my T.


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