A friend of mine and I had a lively conversation the other day and it went like this:
[G=George D=Don]
G: it is a verry brillant movie!!!!!!! just the history thats involved in the movie is like mind blowing, like i had no clue the germans tried to brain wash blacks into giving uppp like WTF thts why im going to morehouse to learn these silent truthssss
D:thats understandable, there was a season of my life where i considered attending an HBCU, college is supposed to prepare you for independent life, academically and socially and while im sure academics are first rate i feel like separating students into races is isnt consistent with our common society, the united states isnt predominately black. I ... Read Moretoo feel its a bit hypocritical. we as people cant say we want an end to racism and prejudice then band together based upon each of our races. if we as a nation want to move forward people of all colors must all agree to see no color. we must become the change we wish to see in the world. i was very surprised upon learning your enrollment to morehouse, however, i dont want you to think i dont support your choice because i do, im simply stating that it is not the one i wouldve made, but hey, to each his own :)
G:brotha, brotha, brotha... hahahha
I too thought as you did, i at one time did not even support the CHA black Affinity group, i have seen things in the pass couple of months that have shown me that we as a black race have become ignorant to the blatent racism in our society, we feel as though becuase we have many of the same rights as other races ... Read Morethat we are equal and that we have finallly reached the moutain top, we have not. Racism is so strung into our society until its invisibleee. Morehouse was at the bottom of my list until i realized that I didnt know who i was as a BLACK man, i had become a white man because of the CHA society i was apart of. If we wanna move forward we have to Know who we are, that means not just knowing that your skin is black, but knowing that your past in this country has also been black. It surprises me everyday that America still exists because of the past it has had. I am surpriesed how easily we can slither our selves around whites and forget our past.
We have to remmemeber are people and we have to weep at the sight of the old tall oaks which held the necks of our anscetors.. the white race has conned us into believing that all is well and fine, its nottt, white people are quick to change their laws but slow to change their heartssss...... open your eyes brotha, and I PRAY that you will come down and visit me!!!
but thtats not all white people
D:george this is getting good! haha
everything you said i agree with. but when injustice is spotted we must put it in the spot light, we meaning all people of all races, we must take offense to all racism no matter the race it occurs in, i just feel like HBCU's while they provide a more than substantial history of the past that it leave their ... Read Morestudents in the past. the simple fact is that brown people have to stop blaming white people for their problems and yes while many white people are prejudice and/racist many also are not, we cannot live our lives today in anger for what happened hundreds of years ago, (im not saying forget about it but dont let it dictate our present and future). history has to be learned from, was that a dark age of this nation? without question. i feel the only solution is for everyone no matter the race to personally make themselves better people. yes we are both black men, but we are first human beings. will i come visit? name the time and where haha
G:i cant argue withh any of thatt.... veryy well put sir, very well putt, you are a true orator, you would have done a fineeeee job at morehouse, you are the type of black man that our president Dr.Franklin talks about, a "renaissance man"!!! TRANSFER we need more brillant black minds, we can minee your gold here brotha, you will be surounded by black men who want to raise you up, not tear you down!! transferrrr.. i will be in contact with visitng details lol
D:i have so much respect for you man, i could have these conversations all day
G:same here brotha
This was truly one of the best exchanges ive ever had the pleasure of participating in. My only regret was that it didnt take place in person. Two opposing sides both very passionate to their idea yet respectful enough to reference when the other makes a good point as well as compliment the other on their intelligence..BEAUTIFUL. I have a huge respect for good healthy conversations and debates. Few things make me happier than seeing two well educated people pleading their opposing cases against one another. free of name calling and petty and immature remarks simply two human beings attempting to comprehend the root of the others state of mind. This is rare these days you know, todays topics: abortion, presidential policies etc, are so sensitive, ive watched adult men and women act as bickering siblings fighting over a new toy on nationally syndicated news programs. I know and understand that this will always be the case with some, though "some" will most likely be the closed minded. I was very pleased to indulge so eloquently with another having an opposing point of view. Its all good cuz we're both G.O.O.D
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