This is Scott Schuman. But anyone who reads GQ beyond a seldom frequency would know him more familiarly as The Sartorialist. I've followed Scott's fashion advice and tips every month for years without even knowing his real name. Creating my blog has made me familiar with what the ".blogspot.com" behind a domain name means as well as the falsehoods behind most them. You could imagine my skepticism upon seeing "The Sortorialist" appear in my list as a result of a Google search. However, I had nothing to lose from clicking the link. I did so and stumbled upon a page that was not only authentic but contained photos that had been featured in GQ for the last three years as well as ones that didn't make the issue. Scott's blog is a dynamic compilation of photographs he has taken of everyday people in extraordinary outfits. Schuman pauses his jet setting in Paris, Rome, Milan, London, Brussels to name a few, though the project is anchored in New York City. As much as I <3 & respect fashion there was a piece of me that doubted everyday people ripped the outfits/looks from the pages and made them their own. Scott's posts prove each time that high fashion is indeed alive in people all over the globe. Each post is a breath of fresh air, an inspiration and motivation to utilize every piece of clothing I own.
Thank you Scott Schuman for your beautiful documentation of high fashions transition to Main Street.
If you're into fashion, street-wear, photography or all three drop by: http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com
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